Glucose Revival Corporation’s passion to help American health care workers aiding in the fight against Covid-19 leads to proving their proprietary emergency glucose medical aid, the Thrive Glucose Necklaces to diabetic healthcare workers across America at no charge.
The Thrive Glucose Necklace can immediately administer glucose in emergency and life-threatening low blood sugar situations. Thrive Glucose Necklace is the only wearable glucose aid in the world enabling people to have easy access to emergency glucose in just seconds, 24 hours a day.
According tothe Diabetes Research Institute Foundation one out of ten people, 34.2 million people, or 10.5% of the U.S. population, have diabetes in the USA. It is one of the top 7 medical conditions that increases the risks of dying from Covid-19.

People with Diabetes (PWD) without warning at any time can face emergency low blood sugar problems. This can cause PWD to become faint or pass out. Moreover, delaying treatment can cause depreciating cognitive thinking, which can lead to seizures, which can lead to death. There is extreme and extraordinary pressure on our healthcare professionals due to Covid-19 which compounds the need for an immediate glucose aid available to them 24 hours a day.
Glucose Revival is the only company that produces a wearable emergency glucose aid. Our aid is worn around the neck with tubing containing the same substance used by EMT’s for low blood sugars and contains the same amount of glucose the American Diabetes Association recommends every diabetic to carry. This allows diabetics to have emergency glucose ready and available 24 hours a day. The glucose necklace attaches with a magnetic clasp so the necklace can be easily pulled off and the glucose can be immediately consumed.
Kris Maynard the company’s president said, “because of the devastation within the Covid-19 pandemic we at Glucose Revival made a decision to provide our Thrive Emergency Glucose Necklaces to diabetic healthcare workers across America at no charge.” He further stated, “these health care workers are working hard, putting their lives on the line and making substantial sacrifices while aiding Americans who are sick, suffering and dying from Covid-19.” Maynard’s motto is “American Healthcare workers are true heroes”.
Maynard is currently seeking help from leaders in congress and governors throughout America to get the word out about his free glucose necklaces to facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and other entities caring for those stricken with Covid-19. Maynard said, his company is sending out numerous letters to congressional leaders and governors asking for help.
Healthcare professionals with diabetes can apply for their free Thrive Glucose necklace at
Maynard is the company’s founder, a diabetic, firefighter and EMT at Fairchild Air Force Base Fire Department. He chose his career to help people and that’s why he invented the Thrive wearable emergency glucose products. Maynard stated, “I am trying hard to help get Thrive Glucose Necklaces into the hands of the wonderful and brave healthcare workers of America”.