We’re talking about RADICAL IDEAS about DIABETES on Divabetic’s Diabetes Late Nite with music from Nina Simone.
“It’s an artist’s duty to reflect the time in which we live,” said Nina Simone.
It’s interesting to note that what might have seemed ‘Radical’ twenty or thirty years ago is most likely considered ‘commonplace’ today. Take for example, society’s changing attitudes about what it means to be ‘healthy’. From tennis superstar Serena Williams to Bill Clinton, it seems like everyone’s either ‘vegan’ or gluten-free’ today while only a few years back no one was using these terms! We’re quickly moving out stairmasters to make room for yoga mats. The only thing wrong with being ‘radical’ about your health is that most of us don’t do enough of it. We jump on the latest lifestyle trend, fad diet or fitness craze without investing the time, energy and effort into finding out if it’s the right solution for us with our healthcare providers.

Guests include Lorraine Brooks, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Stephanie Gaber, PharmD, CDE, Dr. Beverly Adler, PhD, CDE, Mama Rose Marie Szadek and Best-Selling Author Lauren Hawkeye.
In tribute to Nina Simone’s fantastic range as a performer, we’re showcasing her music courtesy of SONY MUSIC on this Diabetes Late Nite podcast.