This debate about Jillian Michaels (the self-proclaimed “health expert”) and her negative remarks during an interview about Lizzo (rap singer) and her positive self-acceptance is not a new criticism. Jillian Michael’s question, “Why are we celebrating her body?” is not so surprising as she makes her living helping people to lose weight and get fit. Lizzo, on the other hand, flaunts her curvaceous body size in her costumes when she performs on stage. Her song lyrics reinforce the idea that you can “feel good as hell” about yourself and celebrates how women should feel empowered.

The term body shaming describes the practice of making critical, potentially humiliating comments about a person’s body size or weight. This controversy about “fatness versus fitness” is not so black and white. Not every plus-sized person is unhealthy or has diabetes. Likewise, not every thin person has achieved their weight in a healthy manner, such as those with eating disorders.
How can you respond to body shaming? Try body positivity. It is the belief that all human beings should have a positive body image, while challenging the ways in which society represents and views the physical body. Body positivity advocates the acceptance of all bodies no matter the form, size, or appearance.

It’s human nature to experience hurt feelings when someone says something negative about you. But the good news is there are a few things you can do to build up your confidence, feel better about yourself, and learn to move on:
1. DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Spend time with people who love you for who you are.
2. DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU FEEL BEAUTIFUL. Get a haircut, treat yourself to a manicure, or wear your favorite outfit.
3. DO SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU FEEL ACCOMPLISHED. Love to run, sew, play chess, tell jokes, bake, juggle? We all have special talents, so find what you do well and do it often.4. DO SOMETHING NICE FOR OTHERS. Pay it forward in the drive-through. Shovel a neighbor’s walk. Mail someone a handwritten note. Small kindnesses can make you feel happy, beautiful, and accomplished at the same time!
Dr. Beverly S. Adler, aka “Dr. Bev”, is a clinical psychologist and Certified Diabetes Educator with a private practice in Baldwin, NY. She was honored in 2016 with the “Certified Diabetes Educator Entrepreneur of the Year Award.”
She is the author/editor of two diabetes self-help books which include insightful lessons of empowerment written by successful men and women with diabetes. She has published articles in print and online about diabetes management – always with the focus on emotional adjustment. Dr. Bev has been quoted in numerous magazines and contributed to a monthly diabetes advice column online. She is a frequent contributor to the Divabetic Diabetes Daily Wire, where she blogs about diabetes topics from the psychological perspective.
Dr. Bev has lived successfully with type 1 diabetes for 42 years. You can connect with her on her website and on Twitter @AskDrBev.

We’re talking about how to minimize DRAMA in our DIABETES LIVES with music from the ultimate diva, Maria Callas on January’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast.
If there’s drama in multiple areas of your diabetes life, be honest with yourself—you’re the constant. Are you creating it? We don’t do anything repeatedly unless there’s something in it for us, so, what’s the payoff?
Every time you find ourselves immersed in something that seems overwhelming, you have an opportunity to learn how to deal with challenges better.
Guests include Dr. Wendy Satin Rapaport PhD, Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND, Lorraine Brooks, American Heart and American Diabetes Association’s Know Diabetes By Heart Ambassador Rob Taub, Yoga for Diabetes Author and Director Rachel Zinman and Patricia Addie-Gentle RN,CDE.
Throughout the podcast we will be featuring music from the Grandiose Stimmen: Maria Callas album courtesy of SONY Music.