In a new study published today, a team of researchers from the New York University School of Medicine have unlocked a molecular mechanism controlling weight gain and loss in mice: a protein that shuts down the animals’ ability to burn fat in times of bodily stress, including when dieting or overeating. This discovery might hold the key to understanding why it’s so hard for humans to lose weight, and even harder to keep it off.
The new findings contradict the idea that weight loss is just calorie deficits and willpower. “Weight loss is very, very difficult,” says the study’s lead researcher, Ann Marie Schmidt, an endocrinologist from the New York University School of Medicine. “Only by studying the good things, the bad things, and how sometimes things that were meant to be good can go awry can we figure out the big picture and how to safely make people’s lives healthier and better.”

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Win $500 Gift Basket & Enter our Cutest Dog Contest in support of Divabetic’s newest outreach program, Collar Greens Health & Wellness Day at Central Farm Markets in North Virginia on September 29, 2019. This free outreach program aims to educate both dogs and dog owners about diabetes and their risks for heart disease. MORE INFO

Find out what it’s like to live with diabetes for 50 years! Catherine L. shares her experience on August’s Diabetes Late Nite with music from P!nk