We’re talking to the owner of the World’s Most Famous Diabetes Alert Dog, Tabouli Gallagher, Elizabeth Gallagher on August’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast with musical inspiration from Phyllis Hyman scheduled for August 13, 2019, 6 PM, EST. TUNE IN
Diabetic Alert Dogs are trained to alert their owners in advance of low (hypoglycemia) or high (hyperglycemia) blood sugar levels before they become dangerous.
Tune in to find out how this service dog not only helps Elizabeth who is living with type 1 diabetes, happy and healthy but also inspired a series of children’s books, “Tabouli: The Story of a Heart-Driven Diabetes Alert Dog” by Matt Pelicano

Tabouli: The Story of a Heart-Driven Diabetes Alert Dog” Synopsis
Tabouli is a real-life diabetes alert dog who lives with his owner, 13-year old Elizabeth Vaughan, in Greenville, South Carolina. Striving to overcome his tragic beginnings, Tabouli’s love and devotion toward Elizabeth enable him to surmount challenges and obstacles, prejudice and doubt in order to become a certified service dog. When tragedy strikes, Tabouli must find his way out of the shadows of grief which threaten to undermine all he has accomplished. Deciding always to follow the adventure, this heart-driven dog is surprised to find within himself a greatness he never expected. Recommended by world-renown dog trainer, Debby Kay, this book “so perfectly captures the spirit and journey of a remarkable service dog.”
Meet Tabouli Gallagher: the World’s Most Famous Diabetes Alert Dog!
Join us Divabetic’s’ Collar Greens Health & Wellness Day outreach program on Sunday, September 29.2019, 9 AM – 1 PM at NOVA Central Farm Markets located at George C. Marshall High School, 7731 Leesburg Pikem Falls Church, VA 22043, 9 AM – 1 PM. FULL EVENT DETAILS
This FREE diabetes outreach event features wellness education for pets and pet owners alike! Enjoy Dog Photo Contest, Market Food Tours with healthcare professionals, Live Cooking Demonstrations, Family & Dogs Scavenger Hunts, Amazing Service Dog Demonstrations, Live Music, Veterinarian Talks and more!
Guest Presenters include World Renowned Diabetes Alert Dog & Scent Detection Expert, Debby Kay, Chef Scott Sunshine, Nationally Recognized Diabetes Educator, Kathy Gold, MS, RN, CDE, ‘Tabouli: The Story of a Heart-Driven Diabetes Alert Dog’ Author Matt Pelicano, Homeward Trails Animal Rescue and more!

Win $500 Gift Basket! Enter our Cutest Dog Contest on Instagram. Post your favorite dog photo with the hashtag: #centralfarmdogcontest. CONTEST RULES & REGULATIONS