Kelly Clarkson‘s fabulous holiday album, Wrapped In Red, is the inspiration behind this year’s annual Divabetic Gift Guide. We asked our contributors to share their favorite ‘red’ gift suggestions for people living with diabetes on the Divabetic blog and Diabetes Late Nite podcast.
Our friend, Rachel Zinman, is an internationally renowned yoga teacher and writer, was floored when she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 42, despite her lifelong dedication to a healthy lifestyle which included a decades-long practice of yoga.
Rachel shares her favorite gift ideas for that special someone on your list who is living with diabetes and enjoys an active lifestyle!

“I’m a huge fan of Senita Athletics, “says Rachel Zinman. “Their clothes are comfy, sporty and their ethos is to provide durable, fashionable, and functional products at a fraction of the price of competitors. They also love to collaborate and helped raise awareness for diabetes on World Diabetes Day. Check out this red pocket pants. Great for storing your pump or PDM during exercise!”

“I love this “ everything will be ok” hoodie from Super Love Tees,” says Rachel Zinman. “Everything they make is comfy and long lasting and their slogans are always uplifting and inspiring. Perfect for any time to remind ourselves that no matter what diabetes throws at us. We’ll be okay.”
3 Tips for De-Stressing Through the Holidays from Rachel Zinman
1. Take Some Slow Deep Breaths
Accessing the breath and learning to breathe fully and deeply is a priority as someone who lives with Diabetes but also perfect for the stress of the holiday season. Deep conscious breathing ‘called diaphragmatic breathing’ has a ton of benefits.
• It engages the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, regulating digestion, elimination and sexual function.
• The steady exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide feeds the lungs and at the same time clears out toxins
• Massages the internal organs
• Breathing through the nose filters the air so that what comes in is free of dust and debris
• Improves our ability to eliminate waste through the lymphatic system
Join Rachel in a simple breathing exercise here
2. Hum Like a Bee
This breathing technique is effective in instantly calming down the mind. It is one of the best breathing exercises to free the mind of agitation, frustration or anxiety and get rid of anger to a great extent. A simple technique, it can be practiced anywhere and is an instant option to de-stress yourself.
The exhalation in this pranayama resembles the typical humming sound of a bee
• Sit up straight in a quiet, well ventilated corner with your eyes closed. Keep a gentle smile on your face
• Keep your eyes closed for some time. Observe the sensations in the body and the quietness within
• Place your index fingers on your ears. There is a cartilage between your cheek and ear. Place your index fingers on the cartilage
• Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, gently press the cartilage. You can keep the cartilage pressed or press it in and out with your fingers, while making a loud humming sound like a bee
• You can also make a low-pitched sound but it is a good idea to make a high-pitched one for better results
• Breathe in again and continue the same pattern 3-4 times.

3. Practice the Mudra of the Inner Self
Mudras are gestures designed to calm the mind and emotions. Coined yoga of the hands they can be done anywhere any time. Perfect for those in between moments as you get ready for those holiday events
The mudra of the inner self is represented in the closed lotus bud. This mudra is perfect for inner contemplation.
To practice the mudra:
Cross the wrists and turn the fingers to face each other making sure all the fingers of the left hand touch all the fingers of the right hand forming the shape of a closed lotus bud. As you hold the pose imagine a warm inner glow settling in your heart.
Want to know more about mudras? VISIT: Yoga For Diabetes Blog

In Yoga for Diabetes, regardless of your current state of health, or type of diabetes, you can look forward to learning how to:
- Reduce stress in minutes and thus improve your overall health index
- Achieve healthier and more stable blood glucose levels
- Find the secrets to adapting a yoga practice to suit your constitution and individual needs
- Find deeper meaning in life and thus a holistic healing affecting multiple levels of your well-being

Enjoy December’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast featuring holiday music from Kelly Clarkson. Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, Kathy Gold RN, MSN, CDE, FAADE, Glucose Delivery Necklace Co-Creator Kris Maynard, Dr. Sara (Mandy) Reece, PharmD, CDE, BC=ADM, BCACP, FAADE, Maria Sakowitz, MS, RDN, LDN, CLT, and the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach. LISTEN NOW