May’s Diabetes Roundtable podcast special guest, Liz Wolff, the owner of Cure Thrift Shop in New York, NY. This busy wife and mother is We hope Liz’s story helps to empower you to manage your diabetes with confidence, knowledge and inspiration (like a diva!) this month.
Diagnosis To Diva Story: I was diagnosed 18 years ago when I was 11 years old. I was a pretty mature 11 year old and was completely comfortable with my diagnosis. With the help of my parents, I immediately jumped into learning how to manage the disease and live a normal and healthy life. But, after a few years, adolescence took control and I was no longer the “model diabetic.” From around the time that I was 14 years old until I was 21, I was completely non-compliant. I rarely tested my blood sugar and took insulin according to how I felt. At one point my a1c was as high as 13! Finally, after getting married at 21, I realized that I could no longer be selfish about my life and my health. I took baby steps – testing a couple of times a day, then 3-4 times a day, until I got used to the new lifestyle. By the time that I was 22 years old, I completely turned my diabetes life around.
Biggest Self-Care Issue or Concern: My biggest self-care concern was always about having a baby. I feared that all of the years of being non-compliant would prevent me from having a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby. Fortunately, after a tone of testing and tight control, I was given the OK by my doctor to try and conceive. 14 months ago, on my 17 year anniversary of being diagnosed, I delivered a wonderful and healthy baby boy.
Special members of healthcare entourage: My endocrinologist, Dr. Jason Baker is my diabetes hero. He has opened my eyes to a new way of managing myself and my diabetes. He completely guided me and held my hand throughout my pregnancy.
Diabetes Associations/Organizations/Publications You’re Affiliated With: In 2008, I opened Cure Thrift Shop. We are a philanthropic thrift shop benefiting the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation. Outside of Cure Thrift Shop, I participate in various fundraising events to raise money for the DRIF.
Favorite Diabetes Resource: Omnipod – it has changed my life Favorite Celebrity Diva (and why): Bethenny Frankel – she is completely self-made,confident, hilarious, and successful.
Favorite Movie and/or TV Show: All Bravo Reality shows – it’s my guilty pleasure, Girls, Game of Thrones, Mad Men
Favorite Song: “Our House” – Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young
Motivating Mindset: My experience with diabetes has not been exactly smooth. There are absolutely days when I just let myself go and don’t take care of myself the way that I should be. My inspirations are my husband and my son – I NEED to be alive and well for them. I want to live a long and healthy life.
Your Motto: Hold onto yourself.
TONIGHT: May’s Diabetes Roundtable Inspired by Kate Middleton featuring Mr. Divabetic,Catherine Schuller, Patricia Addie Gentle RN, CDE, Kathy Gold RN, CDE, Mama Rose Marie, the Digital divas(Taryn and Jessica), Molly Lepeska from 100Campaign and Liz Wolff, the owner of CURE Thrift Shop in New York, NY http://www.blogtalkradio.com/divatalkradio1/2013/05/14/diabetes-roundtable-inspired-by-kate-middleton